The Coxsackie Antique Center brings together 100 fine dealers in a comfortable 15,000 square foot one floor sales area, open 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM, seven days a week.
The Coxsackie Antique Center is a Repro-Free Zone. We have a very strict policy on fakes – the are not allowed in the building. If we catch one, we remove it immediately. And if we inadvertently sell you a fake, we’ll refund your money. Period.
Our Reference Library has a wide selection of books and periodicals on antiques. The Center also publishes Antiques & Coxsackie and Hoots and Howls, which include many articles about antiques and collecting written by the staff and by our own dealers. These periodicals are available in our Reference Library, and some of the articles are featured here at our Reference Desk.
The Center maintains a “Match-maker” file to help collectors and our dealers find their perfect match. Interested collectors may E-mail us their lists of wants and we will check the shop for the items and distribute their lists to our dealers.
Open seven days a week from 10am – 8pm